Clonal Rootstocks
Magnus™ is a newly available plum x peach hybrid rootstock that provides significant horticultural benefits compared to other commercially available plum x peach hybrid rootstocks. Magnus™ is a moderately vigorous rootstock that is 120% the size of Krymsk® 86. Its anchorage is also remarkable, showing similar root-strength attributes to the industry standard, Krymsk® 86. Magnus™ is resistant to rootknot nematode, while testing is ongoing to determine resistance to root lesion and ring nematodes. In-house testing also demonstrates increased tolerance to high levels of Boron and Chloride compared to Krymsk® 86. Early trialing also indicates Magnus™ to be compatible with almond, peach, plum and apricot.
Krymsk® 86 (USPP# 16272)
Peach/Plum hybrid with amazing root strength and outstanding anchorage. Tree size similar to Lovell
with a wide spreading root system. Tolerant to wet and heavy soils. Cold hardy and tolerates high pH due to excess calcium. Unlike other rootstocks with plum genetics, Krymsk® 86 is compatible with Nonpareil. Most popular almond rootstock for the Sacramento Valley.

SG1® Titan
SG1® Titan is an advanced selection of Titan peach/almond hybrid with excellent vigor and Root knot Nematode resistance, well-anchored deep rooting, and drought tolerance. Clonal SG1® Titan provides better growth performance uniformity than seedling Titan Hybrid. SG1® Titan tolerates boron, high lime/high pH soils, and salinity. Like all peach-almond hybrids, best performance is on well-drained soils.

Hansen 536
A University of California selection of peach/almond hybrid. A popular high vigor almond rootstock with good anchorage and found to be more tolerant of salinity, alkalinity and boron soils. Moderate resistant to Root-knot Nematodes, but not Phytophthora. Requires very well-drained soils. Hansen 536 is the most widely planted peach/almond hybrid rootstock for almonds in CA.
Bright's Hybrid® 5 (USPP# 18782)
Bright's Hybrid (Selection 5) is an advanced selection of one of the most popular peach/almond hybrid rootstocks. It is vigorous, nematode resistant, deep rooting, well anchored, and drought tolerant. Needs deep well drained soil. This selection was a survivor in an orchard with high pH due to excess calcium. U.C. Trials shows Bright’s Hybrid® 5 to be one of the best rootstocks for replant sites.
Viking is an inter-specific hybrid that is vigorous, productive, early blooming and somewhat tolerant of
wet soil conditions. ‘Viking’ tolerates saline soil conditions, and alkaline soil conditions, but is intolerant
of dehydration during transplanting. It is also resistant to Root knot nematode and less susceptible to bacterial canker.